Monday, May 23, 2011

Egg Drop challenge

Here are some pictures of our final design:

Some other designs we considered using were a parashute, wrapping our egg in padding, using just balloons to support our egg, and even making a bouncy ball around the egg. Some of the reasons we chose our design over these listed ones were availability of supplies and originality. When we looked for more balloons we couldn't find any place on the island that sold balloons with helium in them so we were limited to the two we had in class. Rafe knew about these bouncy ball sets you can buy but we couldn't find a palce that sold these. The reason we didn't try a parachute or padding is because we knew that half of the designs would be these, and we wanted ours to be different.

The reasons we chose the design we used is because it was easy to make, reliable, couldn't fall apart, and was original.

Pros: Original design, not used by any other group, not that big or bulky, easy to move around, the helium in the balloons made it light compared to designs of similar size. Can take out and replace the egg without destroying the design. Can eat afterwords

Cons: The popcorn we used as padding for our design could rot if we kept it out long enough, so we neede to use the design pretty soon after making it. The balloons can lose their helium over time, turning them from being useful stabilization defices to useless dead weight. The whole problem with our design seems to be its durability.

I think the egg drop challenge was a good activity to do because unlike glider challenge, it has a very clear goal and people can easily tell whether they had a good design or not, so the whole activity is much more satisfying. I also liked the achievement system because they offer clear goals that people can work to achieve. This challenge also offered more room for creative thinking when compared to some of the other challenges we have done in this class. I would recommend doing this challenge next year.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Glider Design Project

Day one: Looked up different glider design options on the internet, looked at flying squirell videos

Day two: Found a very successful glider design in a video on youtube, we decided to test this design so we build a few prototypes out of regular printer paper to see if we could get this design to work for ourselves. Glider prototype results: Glider design too heavy with regular printer paper, attmepting same design but with tissue paper.

Day 3: Attempted to build a full size version of our prototype, we made a design change involving the wing design. We chose not to cut off the backside of the wing in order to increase surface area, in exchange for aerodynamtics. When tested the glider was too unstable and adding wooden supports was required. This made the glider too heavy so we are discussing whether to change our glider design completely. Now we have to main designs that we are considering.

Day 4: We built a prototype for a new design for our glider, the printer paper version performed much better than our original design so we decided to build a tissue paper version in order to see how it would perform on a full size version. We now have two designs with different people supporting each one.

Day 5: After testing we have determined that rafe's design is the better design to use, unfortunatly someone else must have realized that because our finished plane was stolen, forcing us to rebuild our glider from scratch, luckily we had enough of our materials left to completely rebuild our glider.

Day 6: the day of our actual competition, our first design won the first challenge for distance travelled and our second design got 2nd for the hang time challenge. the reason i think our gliders didnt perform as well as we wanted them to is because we made them to light so they were more greatly affected by wind, i also think that tissue paper is too light of a material to make gliders from. It also didn't help that there was an abnormal amount of wind on the day we did the competition, which greatly affected the performance of all the gliders.

Robot Design Project

First I'm going to post some potential robot designes we made on graph paper:

Final design:

Design Pros: The complexity of our design ensures that little mistakes will be made while the machine is sorting marbles

Did not take up that much space compared to other robot designs in the class

Besides pistons, the lack of moving parts lowered the chance for something to go wrong.

Design cons: the heavy reliance on pneumatics made the tubing requirements very high for our project, and we probably could hae done it more efficiently.

Having so many pistons also made our machine somewhat slow, while it did make the 2 minute mark, it just barely did so

I think this activity was interesting because it showed me how important long-term planning and forward thinking are to a design process. I noticed this because we just kind of started building our machine without even knowing what the whole thing was going to look like in the end, which forced us the have to do some re-designes late in the process. This lack of planning is also what led to the messy look and ramshackle design of our robot, i think that if we had planned more in the beginnning then we could have mad our robot much more efficient and neater in it's design.

I do think our group was successful in the teamwork aspect of this project. This is because everyone got a chance to voice their ideas and everyone got some of their idea's implemented in the final robot design. I also think building something like this is much easier to do in a team because you get so many different ideas then if you were just working on it by yourself.

I think we were successful in this project because it completed all the specified goals of the project including, sorting fifteen marbles in under two minutes, being able to differentiate between marbles of different colors and materials, and being completely autonomous.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Flowchart design

The flowchart i created, it is for measuring planks of wood and then either discarding them, storing them, or cutting them depending on the objects length.

Monday, February 28, 2011

ROBO Pro subprogram

My first ROBO Pro program that uses the ROBO Pro subprogram feature. I like this feature because it allows you to clear up and organize your space so much more efficiently.

ROBO Pro program

The first program I made using the ROBO Pro software. I think the time we spent in class reviewing how to use the ROBO Pro software was very helpful and helped me to understand how to use the sofware.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

MKS blog post

l (distance) = m
t (time) = s
m (mass) = kg
a (area) = length(meters) x width(meters) sign is meters squared
v (velocity) = m(meters)divided by time(seconds) m/s
(density) = mass(kg) divided by volume( length(m)x width(m)x height(m)) m/v
g (gravity) = -9.8 meters per second squared
F (force) = m(mass) x a(acceleration= meters per second per second m/s squared)F=MA
E (energy) = may have many different equations, most famous is Einstein's E = mc2, where E= rest mass energy
P (power) = work(work= force x distance x cosO) divided by time